Prepare your child to return to school

Schools will reopen all over India in the next few weeks and time for the return to school is fast approaching and it is a good idea to prepare them for the fall days ahead. Start about two weeks before school actually opens to get their psychological as well as their physical “clocks” back into sync.

Some of the things you will need to present to the children are: bedtimes, schedules for getting up and dressed, expectations about school work and homework, requirement to participate in extracurricular activities and sports and chores during the school year.

As the kid has to again make a habit of early to bed and early to raise, its better to keep the school routine going. Get up early and go for a walk with your kid, this will make them feel fresh and healthy and they will also get into the habit of getting up early. Similarly make them go to bed early. NO late night cartoon watching or playing games. This will make them disciplined as well.

Resolution on Mother’s Day for Working Moms

Mother’s Day is here and your kids or family may prepared for your surprise gift. They might have planned a day for you like helping on Mother’s day breakfast, lunch at your favorite restaurant or evening a family get together. If you’re a mom who not only has beautiful children but also a job, you may be working late nights in the office missing a family dinner, missing from your children’s life. According to source, 34 percent of mothers admit to spending less than three hours each day with their children.

Raising children while holding a job outside of the home will always be a challenge. For working women in India, Mother’s Day is not a matter as they either busy preparing for office work next day or still busy in office on this lazy Sunday. Here comes another Mother’s Day and it is time to plan to spend more time with their children. Following are some Resolution for Working Moms  on Mother’s Day to spend more time with their children and family.

    • Check with your human resources department and employee manual to see if company allow you to work from home one or more days per week.
    • Wake up one full hour before your child does. This will allow you to drink coffee, get dressed, take care of your own pre-work tasks and get breakfast staged before the kids get moving. Once they do wake up, you’ll feel less harried because you’ll be able to focus your attention on them.

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  • Find ways to help out your kid’s teacher and school by offering to do tasks that won’t require you to make an appearance in person during regular school hours. Just ask the teacher what you can do during your off hours; he or she will appreciate it, and that’s good for your kid.
  • Make friends with other parents who may be able to give your kids rides to activities when you can’t. Be sure to return the favor in ways that fit into your schedule.
  • Know your kids friend’s parents and plan a weekend outing or lunch to build friendship and helping mentality in both.
  • Make your family a priority. Often working moms think 24/7 about their work, deadlines, issue with colleagues, blast of manager, planning ahead for tomorrow and some planning extra or over time work for more revenue. But you must remember, for everyone their family must be a priority because tomorrow if a market falls company won’t hesitate to fire you and then realizing you dedicated your whole life for your work but not for family, it may be too late.
  • Devote your weekends and any free weekday evenings to family activities. Even if you can’t plan a mid-week activity, make a quick phone call to your children to see how their school day went.
  • Keep evenings and weekends free of projects so you can rest and be completely recharged when you head back to the office.
  • You might be tempted to do everything yourself, but make sure you’re letting the people around you take on some responsibility. This will ease your workload and allow your staff to develop their skills.
How Working Mother Balances Work and Family – Stacie Grossman Bloom

Kids using Social networking are practising 21st century skills

Convince your parents and teachers that spending time on social networking sites is not all that bad.

If you (parents) are worried that your children are spending most of their time on networking sites, according to studies there are educational benefits of social networking sites. Such websites offer tremendous educational potential. The educators have a vast opportunity to support and influence what students are learning online.

“We found out that students using networking sites are actually practising the kind of 21st century skills we need to develop to be successful today,” said Christine Greenhow, a learning technologies researcher in the university and principal investigator of the study.

The researchers have found out that very few students were actually aware of these opportunities. So, to convince their parents, they will first have to make good use of this platform.

Times of India